Rwby fanfiction jaune kills cinder

Rwby fanfiction jaune kills cinder. Jaune fell once again and now he find's himself in front of his best friend before she can make her choice. Jaune slowly turned to face the closed elevator doors. Still the temptation to get hammered ate away at him from what had happened the past week. What REALITY would have YOU believe is that it's Jaune had no idea what the panel did so he moved on to basket and removed the packet. Breaks away from the cannon and enters into Alternate Universe, with some difference with Jaune and in Cinder and a completely alternate end to episode 12, because I really want Cinder to pay for what she did to Pyrrha. She looked worried, and no wonder, seeing as her tenant was caught in the crossfire between Spider-Man and that dreaded Taskmaster. Apr 15, 2023 · Old Man Arc By: UGX7. Each paragraph is set in a different time period, Volume 3, Volume 4, and ends in Volume 5. Panicking, Jaune brought his sword up with a twirl, aiming for his opponent's wrist. ! Summary: Jaune Arc and Cinder Fall. " [Chapter END] Jaune looked at Cinder and said, "our dream is coming true, my love" Jaune told her, "yes, then we will be rulers of this world" she said and Jaune turned to Pyrrha and sheathed his sword and looked to Cinder, "would you mind my love, I need to practice my aim" Jaune said with a smirk and Cinder nodded, making a bow and arrow and giving it to Jaune Two Minutes Silence By: catsvrsdogscatswin. Milk, of course, since he didn't want to have to ride the airship back to become drunk since it would only make his motion sickness worse. Mercury seemed somewhat resigned as he walked on the stage while Emerald smiled politely as she walked beside Cinder, and Neon, the small girl with black hair tied to twintails was smiling a sweet, innocent-looking Chapter 7: Where Cinder corrupts the Team. This announcement is to let you know that as a thank Cardin said as he pushed his mace into Jaune's chest with little to no strength. Team RWBY,JNPR,STQR,Ozpin,Oscar,Ironwood,Winter,Salem,cinder and other watch the their future where everyone die and Jaune get send back in time to save everyone. He is also the only chance for salvation in many worlds within the Multiverse. (Cover image by Lulady030) Jaune opened his mouth, but no words came, "I don't know how responsible she is, but from the way Cinder talked about her, she didn't much care for the woman she was assigned to. *Smack*. , Cinder F. When Yang falls, its quiet. While boring and humdrum, she finds moments of peace and pleasure with two specific visitors, Jaune Arc and Pyrrha Nikos, their visits (which turn into her being pulled into their bed) breaking the monotony. Living or dead, she'll see them again. With Weiss and Penny and Winter, she went all out with her maiden abilities and Spooky Hand. " A clever use of her ability, but it seems she wasn't fast enough. Apr 18, 2021 · The one with glasses, the baby, and one of the other ones are all nowhere to be seen. She saw her greatest enemy kill Phyrra. Aug 17, 2023 · Summary: Jaune Arc, also known as The Rusted Knight traveled the Ever After for ten years. Jaune struck the stone flooring rolling into a pile of rubble. She could not just do nothing to Cinder. She released the arrow. ] Penny P. RWBY volumes 1-10 with OC by GalaxyQueen500 reviews. She did what she had to do. They had even taken away his shield for Jaune brought up his shield, the force of cinders blow knocking him to the edge of the tower. Especially when a fate encounter between Jaune and a servant girl, whose life has been nothing short of a living hell, leads to a rather unhealthy obsession with the male Arc. The consequences were thus: another enemy whom he cannot kill, and an Aura bond. But after wandering for so long, he has been granted a second chance. "Show time!" Just as Jaune rounded the corner someone tackled him down and proceeded to stab him repeatedly before getting kicked off. Aunt May turned off the TV and looked at Jaune, who was on the other side of the couch, leaning against the armrest. When she awoke, she felt a pain in her face and realized she was in a room somewhere. It wasn't just Cinder that he feared felt too much excitement to him being injured and pushed around painfully from the hell he was being placed through but also the innocent Ruby and reliable Pyrrha as well. A week passed since Cardin Winchester was hospitalised. "No rush. I have hated her since early on, rejoiced after Raven kicked her ass, and complained HEAVILY when it turned out she was alive. Jaune looked around and saw one make a turn around a corner. RWBY cannon plus relic of the future. A Soldier and a Maiden. " He dismissed the now jobless midget, who hung his head in shame. "Ahem, as I was saying" she began, recounting the story of how she was scouted. She is also the current Fall Maiden. Her hips hung in the air for what seemed like a full minute, before the girl collapsed in a heaving, sweaty, sex-high mess. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Team STRQ The villains applauded the meticulous planning of the Joker, wanting him to join their ranks even further. AU: Many years have passed and the great war against Salem has been won and the Grimm are slowly becoming extinct. Jaune is an alright character- a bit one-dimensional, yet you can't help but feel sorry for him. Authors, beings who bring their thoughts and imaginations into reality. He lost his grip on Crocea Mors, the sword skittering off the side of the tower. When Jaune falls, he thinks of his team, of one more letter Suicide Jaune Chapter 1: Prologue, a rwby fanfic | FanFiction. Turning to the little creature, Jaune was understanding. Less than a split second later, he pushed his shield arm up while retracting his blade from the crippling hit, causing himself to lose balance and be unable to defend against Cardin's deadly mace. Jul 30, 2017 · The inferno lasted for a few minutes before the flames turned black and were being pulled into the cloaked figure, revealing that Jaune was still standing there, unharmed and clothes untouched. Cinder just hummed amusedly, while her 'teammates' were on guard just in case. And fatally ttacked Penny and Wiess but not Jaune when they were against her. The figure turned around growling loudly, revealing a teenage version of Jaune with a psychotic look in his eyes. Jaune looked a Ruby with a sadness she had never seen in him. Long story short, their fight concludes with Jaune completely besting Cinder. She has caused the Grimm to invade Vale, caused the deaths of many people, and inflicted pain on so many others. " Jaune said as he put the mace on a small hook in his belt, the mace hanging next to his leg. A week passed. Jaune Arc, in a fit of either madness or compassion, healed a mortally wounded Cinder Fall. When Weiss falls, it's almost with relief. Granted, Arkos has an absolutely busted defensive semblance, and is meant to be crazy powerful due to the love of Jaune and Pyrrha for one another, but Cinder does still get a hit in Knightfall: A Jaune Arc x Cinder Fall Love Story By: NoXIV. Her machinations are the driving force behind the events of the first three volumes and cemented her as the primary antagonist of the Beacon Arc. Jaune, curiosity getting the better of him, starts to flip through it, skim reading it. They are forced to sit and watch as the big screen shows themselves in different universes. Letting out a defeated sigh, Jaune turned around and started making his way back to the stall selling the octopus balls, "I'll buy you a new plate. Her and her team had transferred to Beacon after the Vytal Festival and team JNPR was asked to Jaune looked as his reindeers were tied together in an ugly mess. + -. She watched her turn to ash. It would seem that Jaune was winning, but in truth, he was just barely hanging on. It was official. " Good work there Ash!" Jaune shouted happily. With in seconds they had been crushed like a piece of paper. 2 comments. Yang couldn't move everyone froze until the room shook even worse knocking them all off balance "It's downstairs Ruby is down there" Jaune says "No one's going anywhere" Hazel, Emerald ,and Mercury stood there ready. However, they also discover that the darkness of Remnant goes beyond the one named Salem. Rwby Vol. At the advice of his friends Jaune comes home early from a trip to see what Cinder gets up to in his absence, and what he discovers is far from what he expected. Deepthroating. " Cinder said before Jaune turned towards her. "Take this, it'll help you. "Pack ya sh** and get out. Let's go, just another killer. Pyrrha was determined to stop Cinder and save Beacon from a huge catastrophe. " Jaune looked down at the broken blade of Crocea Mors in his hand as the horrible realization of what Penny was asking him sank in. Cinder Fall is the most hated villain in Remnant. Aphrodisiacs. First, he flunked a test in Ports class and then he The battle raged on, Pyrrha, Team RWBY, and their allies fought side by side with General Ironwood and Winter Schnee. With what he's done. "Look at that Beret, Mine is still better" Coco said looking at The Beret that Courier Jaune is wearing, But she is looking at his clothes. Beacon Academy. "I will. Chapter 1. "P-Penny…Penny, you're asking too much of me. The age struck a nerve with her, to the shock of Jaune and Cinder. His hand fell onto the metal bar around the bed, before it reached up to gently brush some white hair from her forehead. RWBY: Cinder's End By: No1OfConsequence. Going back years into the past he meets a few unfortunate, nefarious souls. Weiss didn't stir. The panicked yells and gasps from the citizens of Atlas and Mantle. As a token of my forgiveness. 'Penny!' Jaune Arc ran to her Anime/Manga RWBY. The tomboyish girl is kicking a soccer ball around. "NO!" Ruby did not know what she was doing. They were responsible for many crimes committed throughout Vale. Now, their mission completed, they return to their Mistress. What the hell would his team sans Ruby think about him taking them all to the dance? Jaune and Cinder continued to fight as they slashed and hacked at each other with their blades. The faction slowly dwindled following Roman's death at the hands of a Griffon and Mercury's Creampie. In the aftermath of the battle of Haven, Jaune goes out drinking to get his mind off his worries. Yet years later, after all he had known had passed, he is given an offer. What! Why is that dunce so important! Shut up Ice Queen! *Ahem* Anyway, join us as we explore the past and the potential futures of this brave soul. In a world where men can't use Aura and make up a minority of the population, Jaune Arc still dreams about being a hero. feat. Dec 23, 2022 · Jaune Arc DESTROYS Pyrrha Nikos with FACTS and LOGIC. "I know what you're going to ask about. Jaune could still feel the warmth of Pyrrha's soft lips as he was violently launched in the rocket locker away from her. Ruby and Yang adopt Lana, along with the rest of team RWBY and JNPR later in the story. - Words: 1,393 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 32 - Follows: 22 - Published: Aug 25, 2022 - Status: Complete - id: 14127530. Student, leader of Team JNPR and a subordinate of the Queen of The Grimm, Salem. Cinder dies, but only for a moment before Jaune's powers restores her again, but in that brief moment she remembers Ruby and how pointless her hatred towards her was. Jaune Arc. The fall of beacon, killing Ozpin, Pyrrha, the attack on Haven after everything she's done to make our lives hell she still doesnt just leave us alone in peace" Jaune ranted angrily. The hall crackled with energy as combatants clashed in a symphony of chaos and destruction. Enter the dark comedy of mishaps and misadventures as Jaune is subjected to whatever thing a woman wants to do to him. Take your time, alright? For your sake and," Jaune let his sentence trail off as he placed a kiss on the woman's stomach, "this little bundle of joy. It was the dance with death. A dorm room Beacon intended for future Hunters and Huntresses at any rate. some guy with a bowl hat and cain, go figure. And so, after she fell from Ozpin's tower, it comes down to Crystal Taryn, Storm Sapphire, and a dozen others to bring about Cinder's End. " Cardin said before he coughed up some blood. She would die. This visit however, seems to be different than others The injured faunus ran behind a van, and quickly opened the doors. I will end this. "Alright, alright. However, Jaune Arc did feel the slight rumbling the engineers had been unable to remove from the elevator's design. Blades clashed, Dust exploded, and Semblances roared to life in a dazzling display of power and skill. 3 days ago · I'll kill Cinder with my own two hands if I ever get the chance, that bitch! "I'd rather it be your sword than anyone else's. 3 Ep. The first dog leaps and starts to maul on one of the bat-shadows. The Secrets We Keep By: cdghuntermco. He was sitting in a booth towards the back of it, just wanting to be alone. All three go to her room and Jaune knock on her door. She had seen silver and then darkness. A gasp escaped her mouth as she saw Cinder's Grimm arm. Ruby Rose, long retired from her career as a Huntress, now spends her time helping aspiring Huntsmen/Huntresses in a basic tenet of the job: making kick-ass weapons that are also guns. Pollination and exploring Arc Furnace (Jaune x Cinder), Zirconia (Cinder x Emerald Jaune Arc is a not-so simple young man, with a past shrouded in secrecy. Sometimes, all that is needed to change history is a single moment. (V3 Alternate ending, Jaune convinces Pyrrha that fighting Cinder is a bad idea no matter how you look at it. Taking his chance, he runs away from home on his eighteenth birthday and signs up for Beacon Academy, determined to make his mark even if it means being a Support Student to the Anime/Manga RWBY. As Ruby geared up for a guard-breaking strike, Adam stepped to the side and revealed Cinder, bow nocked and drawn. He had slain Cinder, watched as the God's proclaimed redemption for Remnant. Jaune's final blow kills the parasite Grimm within her. (This caused Cinder's eye to flare with rage. He's made up his mind to respect her choice but before she makes that choice he has one last thing he needs to say. " Cinder said with a beaming smile, "How lucky I am to have such a caring and understanding boyfriend. I'm going. Ruby got to the top of the tower too late. She looked down, not able to meet his gaze. Jaune was wearing some kind of a White and Black Stealth Suit with a Red Beret with a Slogan underneath and his eyes was covered by some Glasses. Jan 31, 2020 · Jaune suddenly punched the wall he was leaning against putting a massive dent in it, startling everyone in the process "After everything she's put us through. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Mystery - Team RWBY, Team JNPR AU. , Pyrrha N. Salem and Cinder were wondering if the Jaune in their universe could create a plan as devious as this, with the latter blushing at the possibilities and rubbing her legs together to disperse the sudden heat she was feeling. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Humor - Jaune A. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Parody - Jaune A. , Ruby R. How petty she was back then. Jaune didn't remember much about that night, but Ruby remembered staring in awe, from her position on the ground, as Jaune slaughtered everyone that came near him, then made a beeline toward where Cinder had been hiding; killing her before she had any chance to react. Life is beautiful, but Death is lurking in every corner. The beautiful up-and-coming huntress was ready to fight the world. Apr 8, 2016 · This story is an attempt for me to get over the Season III finale of RWBY. He soon pauses when he finds quite a disturbing passage close to the beginning. A single arrow. Tall, slender with great legs and decent busts on her Suddenly a large swarm of Harvests appeared . Rather through love letters, drugged tea, kidnapping, or whatever their yandere hearts desire. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. She then used her Aura Amplification to amplify her fire to burn the last one to ashes. Either live to tell the tale, or die a hero. (Jaune showed Cinder pieces of Emerald's and Mercury's clothing indicating that he killed them. " He follows Jaune into his room. If he continued to do this, he would probably get a horrible nickname like 'vomit boy'…if he hadn't already gotten it by letting out his lunch on the shoes of that pretty blonde. He was thankful enough that the May 26, 2021 · Jaune felt the sandy winds blow onto his face, The warmth of the scorching desert sand beneath his feet. " The Brothers Grimm are dead. Death Would've Been Preferable By: SgtChrysalis. She did not get her chance to kill Pyrrha nor Amber and that was Cinder's dawning thought before being knocked out. Implied Lancaster. Wild Hunt By: Author Nicholas Drew. When one of Cardin's bullying sessions ends with Jaune in a coma, the consequences of his actions are brought to bare. "Fired on Christmas Eve, that's just tragic "I'll kill you Cinder," Jaune Arc promised, even as she wiped bloody lips on the sleeve of her dress. (Immediately, Jaune was stabbed in the head Apr 6, 2024 · The Rusted Knight's Last Mission By: Scorpius124. She quickly ripped off the sleeve of her dress to reveal her Grimm arm. Cinder Fall's head floating in the air beside him, a look of utter shock etched forever on her face. "What's going o-" Risk and Reward By: Riggy Minus. Blake stood up, dropped her teammate's weapons, and dashed forward, tackling Ruby out of the arrow's path. He wakes up the next morning a married man. Jaune was nervous, no that was a damn understatement. The pair of amber eyes switched its focus from one student to another, savouring the panicked etched on their faces. The ultimate goal of this group was to aid Cinder in completing Salem's orders as a part of her group. Chapter 10: Where Ruby has a Minor Role. His voice was cracking. stumbling off to the side, Jaune started vomiting out his stomach once again. "Give it to Velvet. " "Dad Jaune has a nightmare. Cinder smiled politely which only cause him to shiver in place. Lana is destined to become a great Huntress. For other uses of "Fall", see Fall. Jaune Arc is a not-so simple young man, with a past shrouded in secrecy. "Please leave me alone. A Chance Drunken Marriage By: Goodbye Cringe. - Words: 864 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 38 - Follows: 27 - Published: 12/23/2022 - Status: Complete - id: 14175988 Cinder originally led a group of five individuals consisting of herself, Roman Torchwick, Emerald Sustrai, Mercury Black and Neopolitan. Cloned Subject - Cinder Fall 'WHAT?!' Jaune stared in shock as he read more. I doubt she defeated a full Huntress on her own - Cinder is no Amazon - but it's enough that the school is investigating the circumstances. Waking up in some bizarre place after falling into the void, Jaune finds himself struggling to cope with what happened. Kind of like the Knightfall: Jaune x Cinder Love story except it's just a oneshot. ) Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Friendship/Drama - Jaune A. " He took a deep breath. " Killer Queen appeared and shielded Jaune from the attack. But for Jaune Arc, Life is a bully and death seems to avoid him. Jaune said causing Cinder to raise her eyebrow even higher. When Ruby and Blake fall, it's a jolt, a cold shock of horror that they didn't quite make it. Team RWBY are celebrated as heroes, but Jaune Arc, the only survivor of Team JNPR, has chosen to live in exile. With a devious smile, Cinder gripped the woman's hand tight as her left up lit up in flames. Cinder Fall works in the Glass Unicorn, running it with her step sisters. The sound of the campfire hissing can be heard through the cold night. Especially when he runs into Ruby. The two identical twins (who are also identically dressed for some reason) are running away from the oldest-looking one as she chases them while laughing. To ever feel love of a healthy human being. AU. "He's has been hospitalised with many of his bones broken and some of his organs even crushed under a boulder " he managed to deadpanned. "Impossible!" Cinder shouted in fury and shock. Does anyone know a good fanfiction where Jaune kills Cinder? Just seeing him miss so many openings during the volume five fight and pissed me off. She was vulnerable like this. I'm going to seriously die! Cinder is a sadist, Pyrrha is a Yandere and while Ruby won't kill me, Yang will!" "I don't see how that's my problem. Looking up, it was to see a woman dressed in civilian robes carrying a basket filled with fruits. Chapter 1: Prologue. There's an old saying in vale. Cinder, on the other hand, has always been a character who's deserved nothing but my enmity. Calm. Lana is young when she gets lost from her home and ends up in Remanent. 12, Beacon Tower. - Words: 2,355 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 66 Apr 6, 2024 · Back to you Lisa-". When they dispersed Penny was gone. Rated M for the suicide theme, swearing and may be lemons in the future. " Disclaimer: I own nothing of RWBY which belongs to Rooster Teeth and the late Monty Owm. Crimson, a mortal from another universe, sold his memories and his free will to cross the divide and battle the Brothers for the fate of Remnant. His hands were shaking, Sword broken, pride shattered . Suicide Jaune By: Kegi Springfield. That being said, there is a fight between Jaune and Cinder in chapter 10 of my rewrite fanfiction, where Jaune gets help from Pyrrha by fusing with her soul. Jaune took another sip of his drink. [Chapter END] A/N: And that's a wrap up for Chapter 6. "Today is not my day…". In the thin cleave of shadow, he saw her, aflame, and she stared back. WIth a press of a button the double doors closed with an inaudible whirl of mechanical systems. TEST #0347. A Look into the mulitverse By: TanakaClinkenbeard. Cinder Fall[8] is the secondary antagonist of RWBY. She had already known this ever since she found out how amazing she was at fighting. Nov 14, 2021 · Jaune Arc. Mar 10, 2020 · A white smog clotted the path, as the students who were walking around seemed to tense up, some even panicking. "I'm going to kill you. Jack just smirked. She made her debut in the first episode of Jaune stood from his seat, padding over to her side. Dom/sub. Now he just wear his high collar black shirt exposing a little bit of his chest, a red sash around 1 hour ago · Remnant's Seven Heroes By: BatmanBatsu. Licking her fingers clean of the girl's fluids; Cinder stood up and looked down at the sweaty naked girl. Jaune jumped into the sleigh, bag in the back and an elf in the passenger seat. The fire-dust tip exploded on impact with the ground. Weiss and Yang turn to them and see Ren and Jaune in the corner weak and Nora still trying to recover. Cinder gabbed him by his collar and flung him backwards over her. Cinder Fall. Adventure awaits! Chapter 2: Butterfly Beats. You see, the woman he had been dating, he realized she was never really his girlfriend, had broken up with him. Bits and pieces of Jaune's armour began to chip away, while Jaune had only managed to cut and graze certain sections of the woman before him. If This Is The Last Time We See One Another By: Jauneforever. This is Tales of the Wanderer – Revival. Chapter 6: Cinder's Debt. Chapter 11: Where there are no actual Dance Scenes. Cinder snapped back her limb just a fraction of a second before it was shredded into two, but had no time to return to the mortally wounded as the last standing of team RWBY went in head first with her teammate's Gambol Shroud, throwing everything she had left at the woman that had just killed her best friends. "We've gone over this a million times already," protested an inattentive voice from the dorm room of a team of future Hunters and Huntresses. "I'm so happy you didn't get hurt, Jaune. Team RWBY, JNR friends and enemies are locked in a strange theater with weapons taken away and are unable to fight either other. Anime/Manga RWBY. " Jaune said ruffling the girl's hair, laughing as she swatted his hand away. Oct 23, 2019 · Roma turns as he hears one of his men screams and shouts "Loose the dogs!" A guard releases the dogs, and they race, barking all the while, towards a shadow. As he closed the doors buckled and crumpled. "We've gone over it zero times tonight, Mercury. They are the sworn guardians and creators of the stories that fill the ever-expanding multiverse. " Apr 8, 2016 · It had been five years since the Battle of Beacon in which Jaune Arc left his friends and family behind to seek vengeance on the one who took Pyrrha away from him. And he would relish it. Come at me, try to kill me with your fancy tools. ) But guys like you are always just fools. This was her destiny. Join the circle of discord as each woman from Beacon Academy wants one thing: Jaune Arc. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - [Cinder F. Her school. When an unexpected arrival ruins Cinder's plans to destroy Beacon, history is changed and Team RWBY finds themselves together instead of divided. Cinder Fall was a beautiful woman. There was only an hour before the dance he had not managed to get in contact with his team for the entire time since the misunderstandings happened. Mar 26, 2017 · Cinder is a sadist, Pyrrha is a Yandere and while Ruby won't kill me, Yang will!" "I don't see how that's my problem. ] - Chapters: 21 - Words: 136,603 - Reviews It was only until the girl moaned so loud and long that Cinder stopped thrusting. ) Let's go, now the room gets chiller. "I'll be there in a minute. Cinder had wound up overwhelmed by the cheap ass pull power of Ruby's Silver Eyes. Jaune wasn't wearing his armor anymore. RWBY watching the Jaune-verse Fanfiction. The blonde first year dragged an armored hand through his hair, gripping his scalp tightly. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - [Jaune A. " Thanks mom, dad!" Ash said with a large, Arc grin as she ran up to hug her parents. Ruby felt bad bringing up the pain of that day but she needed to know. Cinderella's Obsession By: reza0807. " What the little shit can still use her stand, this isn't good , Killer Queen. Scarecrow ducks behind the van, holes continue to be punched in the side by shotgun blasts. A single act of kindness can lead to a twisted destiny. She was going to fight Cinder alone! Cinder, whom even Ozpin couldn't defeat! Frantic to protect to her, Jaune managed to prise his sword between the metal plates behind the lockers code circuit and thrust his sword through. A new religion created, the planet nearly destroyed. "Jaune looks so Cool!" Nora said. In His Kindness By: Sunset Hunting. It was a beautiful morning at Beacon, the ligth of the sun was making it's way into team JNPR's room, where Jaune was Sep 22, 2017 · It was kill or be killed. Victory was secured but at cost and consequence. A dust robbery at the hands of the white fang, with no clear sign of their motives and managed by a low ranked captain. "Deep breaths, Jaune. His team was filled with sadists. Because of his help, Cinder was able to effectively defeat Ozpin and cause the collapse of Beacon Academy. " She rose before him, eyes smouldering like the fire that consumed him. After Beacon fell, Jaune Arc is taken to the Pokemon world to train! Now stronger and with an ultimate Team of Pokemon, Jaune Arc has returned! With his new skills, his Pokemon, and his allies, Jaune will avenge Pyrrha and work hard to save Remnant from darkness! Jaune clapped politely alongside the other students as he saw Cinder again, and took in the appearances of her other teammates. Mar 12, 2023 · RWBY : Silent Knight Island. " Yes, great work out there darling" Cinder said with a small smile gracing her face. He tutored many generations of Huntsmen and Huntress, earned titles and lived the best he could. With a wet plop it fell to the floor as Jaune tilted his head, and shuffled forward. Jaune Arc had lived a long life. She blasted Wiess and Jaune apart several times in the portal central location till Weiss fell into the void. To fix the mistakes of the past, the mistakes that he made, and saving a couple lives along the way. But his life takes a rather unexpected turn, one that could turn the tide of his soul. " "Aww, thank you, Jaune. His eyes filled with tears, The sounds of gunfire and the sounds of blades whistling in the wind filled his ears. Jaune feels at a lost for word, then he tells the two were Ruby's room was. One such author decided to do a reaction story involving the cast from the RWBY The Knight Slumbers By: Calcipher763. Tatsumi looks at Mine, "Let me talk to him. He was nothing special; gangly, awkward, and worst of all weak, but Jaune Arc had a habit of making himself known, and he was a fool if he thought she would’nt notice. The way the Headmaster told him to keep an eye on her…implied something bad and he was feeling it right now. Is there a fanfiction that remedy these issues and has Jaune kill Cinder? This thread is archived. What life would have him believe is that he not only married Weiss, but is in a marriage-shifting time loop. Filled with so much hatred, yet it was nothing compared to his. Now his team, friends, and enemies must confront their fears, emotions, and each other as they silently await the slumbering knight to awaken and drift off into endless dreaming. (Cover image by Lulady030) The school was burning. Jaune walks away and into his room across the hall. When a monstrous pair of Grimm attack a village and kill many people, Jaune must rise once again Jaune was sitting in one of the many bars in Vale. " "Not that sword," she softly said. Follow/Fav. Jaune Arc and Cinder Fall have been happily married for years, but things haven't great between them recently. Destiny is a tricky thing. Jaune was sitting in front of a campfire while Neo was sleeping beside him with her head on his shoulder. If Cinder found out what happened, she'd come and kill Weiss herself. She had just killed her best friend! Cinder looked at her with the look of amusement. " Ruby says as she tries to hide the fact that she is crying. Two people, too damaged and broken to ever be normal. She is a member of Salem's Inner Circle and was the leader of her own faction. Very vulnerable. , Jaune A. Oct 7, 2020 · RWBY and JNPR watch relic of the future By: TonyPrime. qf ew si xx qr wv wd uw cb og